Because I care about people's health




Was sie tut, tut sie mit viel Engagement. Sie investiert viel Zeit, geht auf den Klienten ein, verfügt über breitgefächerte Erfahrung und kann einen so gezielt im Entwicklungsprozess unterstützen. Nach kurzer Zeit hatte ich bereits eigene Techniken inne, die mir halfen, leichter im Alltag zurecht zu kommen! 

M., m, 43 j. 


J’avais déjà essayé beaucoup de thérapies avant d’aller voir Uwi. Je sortais d’un burnout et avait envie, d’entamer un coaching pour pouvoir reprendre sereinement le travail. Durant le coaching, j’ai appris à écouter mon corps, à revoir ma façon de me nourrir et à fortifier mon système immunitaire de façon naturel. J’étais étonné, de l’effet que cela a pu me faire en peu de temps. Merci Uwi 😊 

F., m., 52 ans 


I was often bullied and wondered why. With Uwi, we first of all traced the origin. Later on I learned to take a different attitude, not to let myself be beaten down, to be proud of myself and to react calmly in case of injustice. In the meantime I feel safe and good. The behaviour of my fellow human beings has also changed. I can warmly recommend the coaching with Uwi. Thank you. 

V., f., 37 y/o 


Bei Uwi fühlt man sich ernst genommen. Sie verfügt über ein breites Wissen und sehr viel Lebenserfahrung, was dem Kunden zugutekommt. Dank deinem effizienten Coaching weiss ich wieder wo ich stehe und wohin ich möchte. Danke Uwi. 

B., m, 55 j. 


Avec mon mari nous traversions une crise. La communication ne passait plus. Les discussions se terminaient souvent en larmes ou des paroles agressives. Cependant, nous n’avions pas envie de nous séparer. Par le bias du coaching, nous avons appris à communiquer différemment. A l’écoute de l’autre, en lui laissant le temps de réagir et surtout à se respecter à nouveau. Grâce à cet accompagnement par Uwi, nous avons sus reprendre goût à la vie de couple et savons maintenant comment réagir dans les moments un peu plus difficiles. 

A., f., 39 ans et R., m., 45 ans  


Uwi is always trying to serve her clients with heart and soul. She has supported me on the way of self-discovery without judging. Through her vision and her experience new gates have opened up for me. Thanks Uwi.

L., m., 35 y/o 


Ich war bei Uwi im Coaching wegen meiner Ängste, meiner Panikattacken und der Schlaflosigkeit. Als gesundheitsfördernde Massnahme habe ich mit den hervorragenden Kenntnissen von Uwi mein Immunsystem, mein körperliches Befinden und meine Psyche auf natürliche Weise wieder auf Vordermann gebracht und so erstaunlich schnell wieder meine innere Balance gefunden.

S., w., 32 j. 


My headaches were too important in my life. I sometimes suffered from mood swings and motivational disturbances. In the coaching both the psychological consequences and the physical complaints were addressed. this combination turned out to be the right one. Due to her knowledge of the processes in the body, i was able to alleviate and solve many complaints in a natural way. 

V., f., 39 y/o


Was mir am Coaching besonders gefallen hat ist, dass Uwi nicht nur sehr viel über unsere Psyche, sondern auch über körperliche Beschwerden, Reaktionen und Funktionen weiss. Dadurch ist sie fähig, einem zusätzlich in gesundheitlichen Belangen wunderbar unterstützen zu können.                                                    

U., w., 28 j.                              


Grâce au coaching chez Uwi et son offre complète, j’ai réussi à maitriser ma consommation d’alcool excessive à un niveau très bas et à arrêter de fumer des cigarettes. Je me suis aussi occupé de mon système immunitaire et de l’élimination de toutes les toxines dans mon corps. Et tout cela sans effets de manque. Depuis je me sens comme neuf. Merci Uwi. 

Ph., m., 45 ans  


Ich hatte schwierige Lernjahre in meiner Ausbildung und kam nicht mehr damit klar. Selbstzweifel, Versagensängste, Konzentrationsstörungen und Alpträume plagten mich.Dadurch, dass Uwi sich so gut mit den Reaktionen des Körpers auskennt, wusste sie genau, was ich brauche, um wieder den Durchblick zu kriegen. Durch gezieltes Planen und effizienter Unterstützung habe ich die Ausbildung erfolgreich beendet. Danke dir für dein Dasein, Uwi.                  

K., w., 34 j.               


Un Coaching hors du commun par rapport au soutien étroit, des connaissances anatomiques, la compréhension des liens entre les réactions du corps et le psychisme. Avec elle, on découvre toutes les possibilités pour améliorer son état de santé naturellement. Uwi sait rassembler toutes ces parties. Comme cliente, j’ai appris d’avantage comment fonctionne notre corps et combien il est précieux. Uwi me guide vers une responsabilité individuelle et m’oriente vers une sensibilisation de la santé.                                       

G., f., 22 ans 


Our relationship was marked by jealousy and resentment. It cost us too much energy. We dealt with jealousy in coaching, which is very complex. The coaching took place individually as well as together. After initial communication difficulties, the tensions slowly dissolved. Established patterns were changed and adapted. We learn a lot and find joy in each other again. We thank you for your careful way of dealing with our problems.                                                                                

Q., f., 31 y/o and T., m., 31 y/o   


Experience extraordinaire!!!

La technique utilisée par Uwi est juste magnifique, naturelle et pleine de chaleur humaine. Elle vous aide à surmonter les vieux démons et à refaire resurgir les plus beaux souvenirs afin d'avoir les éléments nécessaires pour affronter notre quotien. Elle m'a personnellement permises de remonter ma peur de ne pas pouvoir des enfants un jour, elle m'a permise d'affronter sereinement une opération médicale et d'avancer avec assurance dans ma vie.

Encore une fois merci et que cette chaleur humaine qui te définit t'apporte également à toi aussi des Bénédictions.


Besten Dank für die tolle Unterstützung. Du und deine Arbeitsweise sind eine wichtige Unterstützung für meine Alltagsbewältigung. Seit ich das Coaching in Anspruch nehme fühle ich mich ausgeglichener und selbstbewusster. Ausserdem schlafe ich besser und nehme keine Medikamente mehr. Ich kann die Behandlung uneingeschränkt empfehlen. 


My experience with Uwimana Margot 

I started my sessions with Uwimana over two years ago and had never looked back. At that point , I had had numerous therapists all accrediting to know what they were doing but I was not quite convinced as most used evasive methods that took away the essence of inner connectivity with the Self. Uwi became a guiding light to better understand the mixed emotions I had been having since my childhood , the conflicting outcomes of living in two different worlds and moving forward as life changes. 

She taught me how to pull myself on the side for a second and look at my Self from an outside perspective and see the positives that always outweighted the negatives and learn to love that Self again. Most of all , her method of connecting different aspects of your life is by far the most effective as she never ignores that our lives are like a kaleidoscope , interconnected and affecting each other in the most simplest of ways. 

She has helped me understand myself better in a world where very few understand me. When I thought I was a pariah ,trying hard to fit in, being overly sensitive and sometimes sucumbing to societal obligations , Uwimana showed me that I am extraordinary as is and that being myself is far better rewarding. She understands the journey is long and is so dependable that I know I can always reach her at all hours. I know I am not alone. 

Most therapists or psychologists do this because it's a job , but Uwimana was born to be a guide. It is in her nature and knowing someone out there is rooting for you , is another reason not to give up when all you see in the world is superficial , egotistical , materialistic humanity. 

I can't thank you enough Uwi!


Mon experience avec Uwimana Margot 

Par ou commencer, un voyage dans le temps tres constructif et energisant! J'ai fait cette sceance au moment de ma vie ou j avais perdu confiance en moi meme et il me semblait ne pas savoir quel chemin prendre ni le pourquoi des echecs dans ma vie amoureuse. Avec ce voyage dans le temps, j ai pu retracer mes peurs, mes hantises et mes desirs les plus profond. Depuis j'ai une meilleure estime de moi et plus de serenite dans ce que je vis et dedegage plus d'ondes positives a mon entourage. Le plus interessant de cette sceance a ete de sentir une energie interieur profonde naitre et une paix interieu que je n avais ressentis depuis bien longtemps. 

Merci Uwimana Margot et surtout continue ce beau travail!


My journey with Uwimana Margot 

My name is Misago. This is a statement made to inform on how Mrs. Uwimana Margot, with her special therapy, helped answer unanswered questions, heal long term wounds, and get over nightmares and outbursts of aggressive behavior. 

When I was told of Uwimana’s services in July of 2011 when we met in Rwanda, I first thought it would be the normal psychological procedures and was ready to refuse by the time she approached me herself. I have never been to a psychologist, though it has been proposed to me, and that’s what I told her. She assured me it wasn’t the same thing. This would be my own doing, she will only be a guide, she said. 

Even though I felt perplexed at first, the sessions were simple and straight. I had thought the procedure to be about talking, and letting her ask me questions for me to answer, sitting facing each other. However, her systems consisted of me lying down on a bed, and relax. She helped relax by talking to me and asking questions. Moreover, she insisted on me taking deep breaths, and she used touch to readjust my energies. Her touch of health consisted of touching, very gently and almost shallowly, around my head, my arms and feet. I believe that her technique was vital to getting to the right state of relaxation. 
The rules laid down were that she won’t judge nor divulgate whatever happened during the sessions. 

Once I was relaxed, she became the guide. A guide in the journey I didn’t know I could make. You see, I had been struggling with the loss of my family since they were all killed during the atrocities of 1994 in Rwanda. I had been fighting with questions that I couldn’t seem to find answers for, fighting to repulse outbursts of aggression I couldn’t control, anger and depression. She told me that with her therapy, there was hope to get answers, heal my wounds and find happiness amid what I had gone through. 
I can remember the first request she made to me: “Try to feel as if you were back in your mother’s womb.” Then she gave me time to get there, and I did get there. 

From then on, she guided me into doors, doors that opened for me to travel, through my mind, to places I would meet people I thought I’d never see again. 
It is maybe hard to understand but during the first session, I remember opening a door that led be to where we used to before my mother was killed. She was seated, peeling potatoes. I sat beside her, and then she stopped what she was doing and looked at me, without uttering any word. The look was one of acceptance, and became the cornerstone of rebuilding myself since then. 

The fact that she didn’t have to force questions and ask me for hard procedures, I learned from her what I needed to know in order to get to the doors. She kept communicating with me though, helping me when I had difficulties getting my questions answered. She supported me throughout all the struggles I went through and she still makes herself available whenever I need help. 

Before I underwent her therapy, a week could not pass without breaking into a depression, wishing to die. I could fight and feel good for a short time and then I’d fall back into sadness. Sometimes, I would take it on my adoptive family and be aggressive too. However, since then, the aggressive has mostly disappeared, I feel in control of my anger. The depressions are subsidizing too; with my energies readjusted, I am able to feel when I’m getting into a depression, and prevent it by going over what Uwimana taught me. 

Mrs. Margot’s therapy has one major characteristic that I think makes it efficient; it is a self sustaining therapy. I the recipient am the one in control of the whole procedure, and she my guide. This control I am given made a difference by the fact that it boosted my self esteem in solving my own problems, and gave me confidence to continue even when she was not physically present. 

I found Mrs. Uwimana Margot to be an honest, caring therapist; and her method to be trustworthy. 

N.B. Misago is not my real name. I omitted my real name in order to preserve my privacy.